Katja Pantzar by Katja Tähjä.JPG

Katja Pantzar   

Author, Journalist 


Co-agent Rhea Lyons, Primary Agent Elina Ahlback


Katja Pantzar is a Helsinki-based writer, editor and broadcast journalist. A freelance member of the Finnish public broadcasting company Yle’s news team, Pantzar is a regular contributor to Blue Wings, the in-flight magazine of Finnair, Helsinki correspondent for Monocle 24, and has written three guides to Helsinki: The Hip Guide to Helsinki, Helsinki by Light and 100 Things to Do in Helsinki. She is the author of The Finnish Way (Tarcher Perigee, 2018), aka Finding Sisu (Hodder & Stoughton, 2018), a book which explores ways to boost well being inspired by the Nordic lifestyle as well as the special Finnish concept of courage and resilience called sisu, which was published in 22 territories worldwide. 

Her next book, Daily Sisu, is forthcoming from Tarcher Perigee in 2022. 

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Selected Work:

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